
Teaching at UU and external courses

My teaching activities are at Utrecht University include Earth Observation at various levels (BSc, MSc, PhD), Physical Geography, Land Degradation (Ba, MSc, PhD level), Natural Hazards & Risk Assessment, use of GIS for environmental modelling, I guide excursions and supervise MSc and PhD field work in the Peyne area in southern France, in the Hautes Alps (Pays de Buëch) in France and in the Langtang area in Nepal. I am also heavily involved in Master thesis research work and ‘training-on-the-jobs’. Furthermore, I have quite a number of PhD students working under my supervision (select PhD page in the left coloumn).

The Bachelor course on Earth Observation Sensing offers an basic overview of the physics behind remote sensing, the most important sensors aboard satellites and aircrafts and the concepts of image processing: radiometric and geometri correction if images, image classification and interpretation. The Master course Remote Sensing puts emphasis on imaging spectroscopy and advanced image analysis and interpretation for a wide filed of applications: vegetation, crops, minerals, geology and hydrology.

The Natural Hazards and Risk Assessment course provide an overview of hazards (volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes & storms, wind & water erosion, massw wasting, saline ground water intrusion etc.

Master thesis topics in combination with weeks of field work are listed under the link of MSc thesis topics. MSc Thesis topics: remote sensing, imaging spectrometry, land degradation, natural vegetation etc.

We also offer external courses in the field of remote sensing, hazards, GIS, spatio-temporal modelling on request for third parties on site or at the UU:


Courses on Remote Sensing

Refresher Courses of e.g. one or two weeks on Imaging Spectrometry



Field excursions to various places such as the Harz (Germany) or to the coasts of Belgium & France:

Basisdoctoraal Excursie in 2nd year of Physical Geography